JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed <p>Thruel Rigsar Toed is an open-access, print, peer-reviewed journal published annually by the Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Royal University of Bhutan. The journal aims to provide a platform for sharing innovative research work done by the students and to infuse innovation and research culture for academic achievement. The journal follows the system of open peer review system where reviewers give their professional observations and comments to the author through open forum discussion. The journal exclusively targets to publish the best research papers done by the students of interdisciplinary disciplines in the field of engineering and management such as mechanical, electrical, civil and surveying, information technology, and management.</p> en-US <p>All articles published in <em>JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed</em> are registered under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.. unless otherwise mentioned. <em>JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed </em>allows unrestricted use of articles in any medium, reproduction, and distribution by providing adequate credit to the authors and the source of publication. </p> Fri, 06 Oct 2023 06:59:07 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Real -Time Library Information and Notification System https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/12 <p>There are a variety of strategies for disseminating information to the intended recipients. Many are, however, inaccessible to each individual, necessitating the installation of particular display boards or screens that are immediately available and accessible to all passersby. Similarly, notices must be communicated from time to time in colleges; therefore, the best place for displaying such notices is the library. Thus, the main goal of this project is to display a real-time notification on the LED TV placed at the library entrance by creating a webpage and then integrating it with the hardware (screen). Additional features such as real-time and temperature are also shown. As a whole, the project's flow is the creation and design of a webpage for display, which necessitates several back-end programming to alter the presentation of&nbsp;the display in an expected manner.</p> Kuenga Jamtsho, Pema Choki2, Pema Yuden3, Senam Lhamo4, Yeshi Thai5, Sangay Chedup6 Copyright (c) 2023 JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/12 Tue, 28 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000 FEASIBILITY STUDY OF COMMERCIAL FARMING IN DEWATHANG https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/21 <p><em>The aim of the study was to determine the feasibility of commercial farming in Dewathang with the objectives to examine and analyze the market availability for agriculture products specially fruits and vegetables in Dewathang, to examine the support rendered by agriculture sectors for farming initiatives, to identify the challenges faced by the farmers of Dewathang and examine the feasibility of commercial farming. The study was conducted in Dewathang area by means of a structured questionnaire survey for each respondent type (farmers, shopkeepers, consumers and a program Director of Samdrup Jongkhar initiative). A sample of 51 respondents was drawn from the research area. The approach used in this research paper is Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and data were collected through questionnaires and interviews, it analyses the data collected by Microsoft Excel. The results from the study highlights that the farmers of Dewathang have enough market availability and consumers, renders support by dzongkhag and agriculture sector but owing to the challenges faced by the entrepreneur farming their commercial farming is severely limited. However, seeing that the challenges faced are manageable and have solution, this study shows that there is feasibility for commercial farming in Dewathang. The government has a crucial role to play and has been supporting farmers, but the study recommends that the government provides planned workshops to all the farmers in order to equip them with marketing knowledge, improve their production and gain skills and knowledge on farming. In additional, some other initiatives which promotes in rise of entrepreneur farming.&nbsp; </em></p> Purna Bahadur Darjee, Tandin Phurba, Punam Mongar, Kencho Wangmo, Parashuram Sharma Copyright (c) 2023 JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/21 Tue, 28 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Design and fabrication of Portable manual Roller Bending machine https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/16 <p><em>The aim of this project is to design and fabricate a roller-bending machine, which is useful for bending a metal rods and sheets/plates. The size of machine is very convenient which makes it portable and easy to use. It is fully made of mild steel. It reduces human efforts and require less skills to operate, which can save costs for fabrication shops and construction industries. the roller-bending machine is made up of two lower rollers, one upper roller mounted on ball bearings, an elevating screw, a rotating lever, and supporting frame. This machine works on simple kinematic system that is four bar chain or Quadric cycle chain as it contains four links and each of them form a turning pair with each other instead of a complicated design like the chain and sprocket-based roller mechanism to bend rods. Due to its portability, it can be used by small workshops or fabrication shops. The bending machine is a common tool in all mechanical workshops. The paper also describes the process and operations employed for the fabrication of roller bending machine.</em></p> Bijay Kumar Pradhan, Dorji Wangmo, Jigme Dendup , Karma Yeshi, Karma Drukpa, Tandin Wangdi Copyright (c) 2023 JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/16 Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF GEODATABASE FOR JNEC CAMPUS https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/13 <p>Development of geodatabase is crucial for Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC) enabling data storage capabilities in terms of spatial and non-spatial information. As a result, the study was aimed to develop a GIS-based geodatabase of JNEC to store both spatial and non-spatial information about the college infrastructure for efficient future retrieval through online WebGIS. Traditional surveying techniques were adopted to collect the geospatial data through field surveying, while the survey questionnaires were deployed to collect the non-spatial data from the residents of JNEC campus to integrate with the geospatial information’s collected through field surveying. The updated geodatabase of JNEC campus includes information of buildings (i.e., residential, hostels, recreational, academic, and administrative), electric poles, lamp posts and transformer details. This study enables us on easy retrieval of the past and update the future upcoming infrastructures for references and for the GIS, Geodatabase, WebGIS, geospatialdevelopment of any authentic reports.</p> Rinzin Thinley, Nima Selden, Jigme Zangpo, Kelzang Dema, Tandin Dorji, Sangay Gyeltshen Copyright (c) 2023 JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/13 Tue, 28 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Digitization of Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC) Prayer Book: Android-Based Application https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/20 <p><em>Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC) prayer book is the android mobile app designed for all the users of the college in a digital format which is portable, accessible and convenient at any time. As of now, the college is using the printed prayer book. Even though the printed prayer book serves its function well, users find challenges in viewing and following the prayer in sequential order as the prayers are not in order and it is inconvenient to flip the pages of the prayer book in the middle of the prayer. In addition, the college doesn’t have sufficient prayer books and every year, prayer books are printed which adds on to the college’s expense. </em><br><em>Therefore, android-based application ‘JNEC Prayer App’ is developed to overcome inconveniences of the printed prayer book. This application allows users to view the prayers that have been saved and also users will be able to choose which prayer to recite. Waterfall method is used in developing this application. It is designed with the prototype using Figma, and Android Studio is used for actual app development using dart language. This app can be upgraded with additional features such as audio features and calendar within app. It can be also made available to the iOS users in the future.</em></p> Passang Dorji, Dorji Lingdrel Wangchuk, Sonam Chokey, Sonam Wangmo, Jurmey Tshering Copyright (c) 2023 JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/20 Tue, 28 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Estimation of Soil Loss in Nyera Amachhu Watershed using RUSLE Model https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/18 <p>The Soil erosion is one of the huge destructions to the soil structures. Nowadays, the environment has been threatened by soil erosion in which it declines the degree of soil fertility that can obviously give enormous affect to the agriculture land and eventually the agriculture productivity. On other hand, human settlements have also immensely affected by such problem that occurs near by the settlement that already done and started the living. Such massive problem was the obstacles that people were facing at our study area the Nyera Ama chhu watershed, due to which the necessary conservative actions has become very needed at the place. Though the erosion is very huge destruction to the environment, application of the conservative measure was not a great decision to adopt in every area but taking actions to the area of high susceptibility to erosion would be the priority. There are many factors that affects the soil erosion. Based on the easiness, accuracy and advancement, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation model (RUSLE) was adopted to study the area Nyera Ama chhu. This model has got various parameters which includes runoff-rainfall erosivity factor (R), soil erodibility factor (K), topographic factor (LS), cropping management factor (C), and support practice factor (P) that’s contribute to the soil erosions. Those various parameters are computed and prepared from the Geographical information system (GIS) using required data source and methods. The annual average soil loss from the study watershed area was 66.411 t ha<sup>-1</sup>yr<sup>-1 </sup>and erosivity factor gives the great influence over other parameters to the soil loss in the study area. The soil loss depends upon the soil types and its structures. Clay, Loam, Sandy loam soil were present in the study area. Southern, north-western region of the area has huge loss of the soil and less in mid watershed area and north east region. RUSLE and GIS based approach provide a reliable estimation of soil loss that help in identify the priority area for effective planning and implementation of sustainable soil management practices so reduce soil erosion, particularly for sustainability of the Nyera Amachhu Watershed located in eastern region of Bhutan.</p> Deki Yangdon , Dechen Dema , Gyelden Pelzang , Kinley Drukpa, Kinzang Chophel , Choden, Sonam Peldon, Tenzin Sherab , Raju Singer, Dawa Tshering Copyright (c) 2023 JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/18 Tue, 28 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Design and Estimation of Electrical Installation for Mechanical Engineering Complex https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/15 <p><em>Indeed a project is a planned, scheduled task that must be completed within a certain time frame. It is one of the most effective and beneficial activities in which we have the possibility to learn a lot of new things and gain a lot of new knowledge from fresh research that we were previously unaware of. </em><em>Well, now if we confine our attention to our real project work, the topic of our project is “Design and estimation of Electrical installation for Mechanical Engineering complex”. It is purely theoretical project since the capital investment is nil. </em><em>In general, the following are the various actions that we have completed during the tentative timeframe of our project: Preparation of an electrical drawing for the Mechanical Engineering Complex, representing different electrical fittings in exact locations with appropriate electrical symbols, determining the number of electrical fittings, length and size of cable required, main switch rating, Number of main circuits and sub-circuits, switch distribution board (MDB), sub-distribution board (SDB), and tiny circuit breaker (MCB). Designing the buildings electrical fittings using Dialux software to compare the manually calculated number of electrical fittings with the Dialux's automatically determined lux level. A single-line schematic of M.D.B, SDB, and earthing is drawn. Finally, a bill of quantity (BOQ) for the building is prepared.</em></p> Biresh Monger, Choney Dorji, Jigme Choda Copyright (c) 2023 JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/15 Tue, 28 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EXCITATION CONTROL OF SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR USING NEURAL NETWORK https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/19 <p>Advanced power systems are complex and non-linear, and their operation can change to a wide extent [1]. Synchronous generator is at core of power system, and it is necessary to maintain reliable operation throughout. This paper presents the excitation control of the synchronous generator with the application of a neural network-based controller. Ordinary excitation control strategies have a slower reaction to non-linearities happening within the excitation system [2]. Executing Neural Network based controller(NNC) decreases reaction time showing strong steadiness [3].. Terminal voltage and current is nourished to the input of neural network and is processed to give reference current as output which then is converted into reference voltage and is used to produce duty cycle of thyristor by comparing it with varying field current. The neural network-based controller will sense the deviation of voltage and based on necessities, give the gating command to thyristor valves and in this manner acting quickly to the dynamics of the power system</p> Prakash Dungana, Nima Dorji, Kuenzang Dorji, Chenga Dorji Copyright (c) 2023 JNEC Thruel Rig Sar Toed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 https://trst.jnec.edu.bt/index.php/thruelrigsartoed/article/view/19 Tue, 28 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0000